Nine Club Live #27 Reading Willy Santos 2 minutes Next Ben De Gros


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Willy Santos discusses the early days skating contests, getting sponsored by G&S, almost getting recruited by the World Industries camp, choosing to skate for Tony Hawk over Rocco, filming for the Birdhouse videos "Feasters" & “Ravers”, skating for Duffs then getting on Vans, designing multiple pro shoes for Vans, why he ultimately left Birdhouse, starting Willy’s Workshop, hangin with Jeremy Klein and much more!

Links We Talked About

Switchflip Switch Manny
I'm Glad I'm Not Me
Willy Santos Instagram
Willy's Workshop
Gordon & Smith - Winona Riders
Birdhouse - Feasters
Birdhouse - Ravers
Birdhouse - Untitled
Birdhouse - The End
Transworld UNO



00:00:00 Willy Santos
00:02:20 Born in the Philippines
00:05:48 The start of Willy's skateboard journey
00:12:22 Willy's early inspiration
00:14:25 Our Supporter: AG1
00:16:01 Willy the contest skater
00:18:18 Almost getting recruited by the World Industries camp
00:19:34 Tony Hawk buying Willy's left over G&S boards and screening Birdhouse graphics over them
00:21:04 Choosing Tony Hawk over Rocco
00:23:01 Why didn't Willy go with Rocco?
00:29:24 Turning pro for &
00:35:00 Why Willy left Birdhouse
00:39:25 Filming for the Birdhouse video "Feasters"
00:45:04 Getting on Vans
00:45:31 Skating for Duffs
00:47:36 The Birdhouse video "Ravers"
00:49:29 Kelly sent fan mail to Birdhouse
00:52:15 Jeremy Klein and Hook-Ups
01:01:57 The g&s "Stun" video
01:03:54 The Union Wheels "Right To Skate" video
01:06:07 The Transwrold video "Uno"
01:09:35 Birdhouse "The End"
01:16:06 Jeremy and Heath's part in "The End"
01:20:48 The bullring
01:23:58 Willy the skate coach
01:27:00 Willy's Workshop
01:37:13 Using Beatles songs in a skate video
01:39:52 How often does Willy skate these days
01:43:17 Still wearin' Vans
01:53:01 Goin' to Hooters with Jeremy Klein
01:54:10 Who was Willy's roomie on tours
01:57:50 Cold calling Jeremy Klein

I'M Glad I'm Not Me

Black And White Photo Of The Nine Set


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